Language of Toronto The leading language of Toronto is English, even though both French and English are used as official languages. Most services are accessible in either of the two languages but you will also find Chinese, Italian, Greek and many other languages in Toronto.
These aren’t declared as official languages of Toronto, but there are thousands of people coming from different ethnic backgrounds in this Canadian city.
Although French is an official language in Toronto, it is not widely spoken in the city. The main reason why French was adopted an official language is because the rest of Canada speaks French. There are, however, not a lot of French people residing in Toronto, and there language and culture wouldn’t be found as common as any other culture.
You’ll find several places where people from different cultural background live. These places often have dual-language street names. Chinatown, Little Italy and Little Portugal are excellent examples of these. You’ll find a lot of small restaurants and pubs throughout Toronto where you can see different ethnic groups and their culture.
Culture in Toronto
Toronto is a part of Canada, and there’s a mix of different cultures in Toronto. The main difference between Canadian people and those people in the United States is that former are much more friendly and hospitable, and that the way they see thing are different from their American counterparts. An example of language difference between Canadians and Americans is the use of the word “toilet”. Canadians uses the term washroom instead; they also call paper napkins “serviette”. These are just some of the language differences between Canadians and Americans.
Another feature of culture in Toronto is Italian influenced. There are several Italian residents in Toronto, and the have brought their language and culture with them to Toronto. Italian people mostly live in Little Italy, and you can find their culture around when you go visiting their restaurants and pubs.Then there’s the Chinese influence in the culture of Toronto. Mostly Chinese people are residing in Chinatown. These people are happily enjoying their day to day living. You can find several Chinese restaurants serving their dishes in this area.
Last but not least is the influence of the Portuguese people, who are residing in Little Portugal. The also brought their unique culture to what is Toronto now.In Toronto, you’ll find people from various ethnic groups. These people are exciting people whose generosity will warm your heart. They can give you a new meaning and feeling of the word welcome.
Lifestyle And Culture Of Toronto, Toronto Lifestyle Photographer
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